
By interacting with the installation, users are able to experience the pleasures of simulated prostitution where sensations such as sight, sound and touch will be satisfied by the avatar in the machine.

In the end, the final impact will pull back the excitement users felt from the sensations and will make users realize and contemplate their actions.


The rational behind our installation is to:
  • Establish the process of purchasing sexual favors through a sex vending machine.
  • Get users to think critically about the consequences of prostitution.
  • Convey our message effectively through an innovative method of 'Reversed Psychology'.


We aim to create awareness among men who are obsessed with prostitution by creating a sex vending machine to simulate prostitution that will convey our message effectively.

The reason behind using a vending machine is to simulate the purchasing experience. At the same time, the vending machine fulfills the ideology of robots (the vending machine) and avatars (the 'prostitute').


Not Our Production aims to tackle issues of sexual desires. There are men who are driven by a compulsive need for sex or fear intimacy and commitment and instead turn to prostitution to satisfy their needs.

Thus we designed F.ME, a sex vending machine that simulates prostitution, to allow users to satisfy their needs but using reverse psychology to make users realize and contemplate their actions in the end.


A warm welcome to our readers! :)

Not Our Production is a group of Multimedia Design students from The One Academy, Malaysia. Not Our Production was formed for our Teamwork Practices Module and we're working on a project entitled F.ME.

This website will contain bits and pieces of our thoughts, progress and development of this project until its exhibition on 7th March at The One Academy.

We hope you'll enjoy reading our updates as much as we'll enjoy posting them! :)